Dennis NONA
Wati Kisai - Bad Moon , 2008
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Ile de Badu
Dimensions : 33 x 46 cm
Medium : Etching
Price : Nous contacter / contact us
N° : 3748

ed./45. Traditionally and even in recent times children were prevented from looking at the full moon. It is believed that the Mari or bad spirits that are present around the moon at this time could injure the eyes of the small children. The damage, which would be caused by the moon’s rays, would not be apparent immediately but could manifest itself later in life.The artist recalls when he was a very young boy always being accompanied by an adult who had placed a covering over his head and eyes when out of doors during times of the full moon.The figures depicted in the print represent the children shielding their eyes from the moon’s rays.