Originally from Yuendumu in the Central Desert, Sarah Leo Napurrurla evokes the Dream (Jukurrpa) of Water (Ngapa) linked to the sacred site of Puyurru, located to the west of her community.
As this dream has a sacred value, artists like Sarah Leo only give us the version inculcated in children. The one we've been given combines multiple dreams - or dream tracks - that intersect during the journeys undertaken by different ancestors. The story told in this painting begins with two rainmaker men from the Jangala family, who called down rain with their songs, triggering an enormous storm. The storm moved along their clan territory with the thundering sound of lightning.
The concentric circle is a symbol that has been used for thousands of years by the Aborigines living in the central desert. It represents sacred sites, such as Puyurru.
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) - Puyurru , 2024
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 30 x 30 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4562