Le trait pour mémoire

The gallery Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Gilles Hogrel, Principal of the Cité Scolaire Albert Châtelet, Aurore Delannoy, Deputy Principal of the Collège Albert Châtelet, and the teaching staff are pleased to invite you to the eora* exhibition ‘LE TRAIT POUR MÉMOIRE’, until Friday 21 March 2025, at the Collège Albert Châtelet in Douai.
On this occasion, discover a selection of linocuts and etchings by Djambawa Marawili, Marrnyula Munungurr, Wolpa Wanambi, Dennis Nona, G.W. Bot, Alick Tipoti and Robert Mast, on loan from the gallery Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob.
‘This exhibition is an invitation to travel, to explore a different representation of the world. The aim is to look at these prints as a different language, heirs to a history, a cosmogony, but also the expression of an ongoing struggle to regain rights, the survival of an original culture without falling into an ethnographic approach. The aim is to show how artists convey their culture through their art, and the extent to which it is both inherited and invented. What is engraved, said and sung comes from an intelligent and sensitive understanding of a living environment and the link between a personal and collective identity. How, through the contemporary expression of an ancestral culture, artists pursue the reconquest of their land and sacred sites by adopting a contemporary support and medium, to enable their culture to be known by a wider public’. Yann Stenven, Visual Arts teacher at Collège Albert Châtelet, Douai & Head of EROA since 2001.
from Thursday, January 16, 2025 to Friday, March 21, 2025
Collège Albert Châtelet - 357 rue Marceline - 59500 Douai
Open to the public by appointment on 03 27 99 97 91
*Espace de rencontre avec l'œuvre d'art (EROA) is a cultural initiative based in local areas and run through schools. They promote encounters between pupils and artistic creations, with the aim of making this experience of authentic works of art a recurring one.
The EROA network is supported by the Ministry of Education, the Rectorat de l'Académie de Lille, the Ministry of Culture, the DRAC, the Hauts-de-France Regional Council and the Nord and Pas-de-Calais County Councils.
16 January - 21 March 2025